SL3 의 충전중 이미지 덮어쓰기/삭제 에러에 대하여

Leica Forum Korea
2024-07-12 10:53

The Leica SL3 camera overwriting/deleting images issue confirmed by Leica

 Leica Camera officially acknowledged the SL3  camera issue I reported yesterday, where images are being overwritten/deleted when changing the battery:

Unfortunately, with the current firmware of the Leica SL3, there have been isolated cases of  camera malfunctions that can lead to previously saved images being overwritten unnoticed.

As the error can occur if the camera has not been switched off properly (e.g. when changing the battery in standby mode or after a crash of the camera software), we strongly recommend careful handling of the camera in accordance with the user manual. In such case we recommend that you save the images immediately to an external device and change the memory card before you start the  camera again. Please ensure that you always switch off the  Leica SL 3 completely before changing the battery in order to minimize the risk of data loss.

We are concentrating with the highest priority on restoring the perfect functionality and usual reliability of your  Leica SL3 as quickly as possible. To this end, we are working at full speed with our development team to provide you with a firmware update.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

A new firmware will be released to fix the issue. Here again is the video I posted yesterday:

SL3 에 에러 이슈가 있나 봅니다.

충전중에 이미지가 덮어쓰기 혹은 삭제되는 이슈가 있는 것 같네요.

라이카 측에서 공식적으로 컨펌했고 조만간 펌웨어 업데이트가 있을 거라고 합니다.

SL3 유저분들은 당분간 이미지 관리에 신경을 쓰셔야 할 듯 싶네요..~~

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